What You Have Been Told About Fixing Your Posture Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg.

With the Neuro Spine & Posture Program™, you'll get comprehensive and tailored solutions that will help you reach optimal spine health — so that you can continue to look and feel amazing with self wisdom.


85% of your posture is mediated by the VISION and VESTIBULAR (ie, balance) systems!

Why You Want To Start Using Neuro Drills Today?

Do we have to develop pain as we age?

Is pain simply part of getting old? 

Without recognizing otherwise… we do what we do every day, and that is training our nervous system over and over.

You are either proactively training your higher order systems or you are subject to the training of your daily life.

In 2002, it was believed that 70% of your posture health depended on your vision and vestibular (balance) systems. By 2010 they were estimating 85-90% of spinal health is impacted by these higher order systems.

Are you working your entire life only to arrive at retirement and feel like you live in a used up and run down body? 

Why do some people age differently than others? 

Sure the quality of the food matters as does the quality of movement…

When day to day life consists of limited movements without training; other movements start to feel threatening to your nervous system.

Are you sitting on the sidelines with your grandchildren or questioning if you will be able to keep up with them as you age?

If you're just focusing on strengthening weak muscles & stretching tight muscles...

Your posture, balance, mobility, and strength will continue to worsen even though you by all accounts are doing all the "right things."

Enter the Neuro Spine & Posture™ program!!

Neuro Spine & Posture™ addresses the shortcomings of traditional spinal and postural correction advice.

Are you concerned about...

  • Your eyesight?

  • Falling and hurting yourself, breaking a hip?

  • Struggling to do things you used to do?

  • Playing with children or grandchildren?

  • The "humpback" posture?

Together We Will Discover How To Communicate Effectively With Your Brain and Nervous System So You Understand What Your Body Is Teaching You

Neuro drills can either activate or inhibit your nervous system, providing a unique language between you, your brain, body, and ultimately equates to spinal posture.

During the Master Your Brain BYOG Party Neuro Spine & Posture, I share the first week's training, and it gives a taste for the simplicity and power of these neuro drills.

Plus, in that training you discover how to assess and re-assess to be certain if a movement is “good” or “bad” for you. This is how you discover how to communicate with your body.

In Neuro Spine & Posture™ you will gain a deeper understanding into your brain, posture, balance, mobility, and strength with Neuro Trainer, Joe Stauffacher and Corrective Chiropractic physician, Dr. Ryan Wohlfert.

In this Program you will learn neuro drills that:

  • Target chronic pain, discomfort, and "tightness" so you can live a pain-free life.

  • Train your nervous system to enhance balance, reducing the risk of falls.

  • Train your vision system, which is a direct correlation to spine & posture.

  • Improve your posture, giving you more confidence every day.

  • Help you stay fit, active, and healthy, and prevent age-related decline.

A full spinal rehab/posture correction program or working one-on-one with a Neuro Trainer normally costs in the thousands. 

We want to avoid the cost being prohibitive, especially for something this important and neglected. 

And, we still want to give you the attention and value you deserve. 

Instead of $5,000, or even $1,000 which Neuro Spine & Posture™ warrants... The price of this program is only $197.

What are you getting?

  • Access to 6 Modules

  • Simple training exercises to improve the brain, posture, balance, mobility, and strength.

  • Lifetime of knowledge for training your brain & nervous system for optimal health (Value: PRICELESS)

Special Bonus:

Dr. Ryan Wohlfert co-created this program and is providing his Stronger Spine Training Program:  30-Day Plan to Build a Stronger Spine & Active Life FREE.

This program sells for $499 all by itself.

So, Neuro Spine & Posture™ is for you if...

  • You take responsibility for YOUR health

  • You are willing to practice the drills for a few moments, 3-5x per day

  • You are excited to learn this new language of YOUR nervous system

  • You want to explore your health & nervous system on a deeper level

  • You are your own guarantee for Health and Life